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Positive Attitude

By TJ Likes, 02/26/14, 4:45PM CST


A problem, an injury OR a missed play or strikeout does not give you a bad day OR define you as a player.

Your attitude does.

Attitude is everything, and you would be surprised where a positive attitude CAN and WILL take you. 

The more you focus on the negative, the more negativity you will attract into your life.

So, why not THINK and BE positive?

It may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth while. 

When you take the field with your baseball squad, you are at WAR with the other team, right? Why not use a positive attitude to give off a positive vibe?

That can literally be a weapon during the innings you play that the other team does NOT have, and help propel you to victory. 

Choosing to think positive and have a good attitude will very likely determine how you live your life, and not just on the baseball diamond. 

Here at PBD, we want the BEST for you ALL.

Think POSITIVE and you will have POSITIVE results. 

A great attitude breeds gratitude. 

I promise. 

Until next time....

Yours in health,
